Fireplaces vs. Fire Pits in Atlanta Outdoor Living Areas.

As many of you plan your Outdoor Living Area, a Fireplace or Fire Pit might be included. Here are a few ideas to consider when deciding which one to have. Both are very functional and enjoyable. There are, however, some real differences.

First—A Fireplace is usually found in a more formal Outdoor Room situation. Because a Fireplace is typically one-sided, you are usually sitting facing it. This can be a bit restrictive when placing the Fireplace or even the furniture. We at Pollock & Associates, Inc. frequently include an Arbor/Pergola above the designated sitting area when the Fireplace is outside and not in a roofed/covered area. A Fire Pit is more casual and can have people sitting on all sides of it. A Fire Pit can also have an Arbor/Pergola associated with it if desired.

Second—Fireplaces will normally cost more and be more difficult to construct, and Fire Pits will be less and easier to construct.

Third—A Fireplace can be used to help screen an unwanted view and can also house other features such as TV’s and music systems. Fire Pits are usually found in the center of the sitting area and become the focal point.

Fourth—Both a Fireplace or Fire Pit can be used with real wood or gas logs or just a gas starter.

Fifth—A Fireplace will typically also require more patio space associated with it than a Fire Pit. This too will have an additional cost.

Fireplaces and Fire Pits are very nice features to include in your Outdoor Living Area. In Atlanta, they can be used year round. They both create a comfortable gathering space for your friends and family. If you need a Fire Pit or Fireplace built we recommend you contact Specialty Construction Group, Inc. They have extensive construction knowledge and experience in outdoor living areas. You can contact them at or email Dan at

For more information and a FREE CONSULTATION about your own Fireplace or Fire Pit, call——-Pollock & Associates, Inc.—–770-569-5900.

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One Response to Fireplaces vs. Fire Pits in Atlanta Outdoor Living Areas.

  1. Rick Beaulieu says:

    Extremely helpful when trying to plan your outdoor living space. Jim – you were right again.
